Sunday, 18 November 2012

Thank you....

I noticed, I have readers.... from US, UK and even Ukraine..... 

From the very bottom of my heart, Thank you!! 

I hope this blog could help you in any situation.  

Thank you once again.

Friday, 16 November 2012

Recovery - after surgery


We stayed for 2 nights and we can't wait to go home.  We miss Zafri so much.  Mama was telling that Zafri was so restless.... 

After 4 days, the doctor took the plaster off.... didn't get to see his smile yet.  But not long after... he started smiling again...  Syukur sangat pada Allah swt.....  The recover period for baby is faster.... thank God for that.  

Moral of the story, keep calm.

We still take Zarif for his follow up check up with the Plastic Surgeon and Dental.  For now, we apply the Vitamin E oil to his scar...  

Handling the Two...

Ishhh dah lama tak update blog... I've been super busy.... with maid problem and catching up with the twins... i find myself had no time to write...sigh ;p

Well..... both Zafri and Zarif are super duper hyper!! They turn the house upside down... ni belum ada kaki lagi.... Zafri turn for the first time on 7th September and Zarif on the 22nd September.  Cepat betul masa berlalu... sekarang ni dah tumbuh gigi... Zarif punya 1st gigi keluar on 6th November and Zafri 16th November.

Though I am eager to see them teething, I am also nervous with Zarif's development.  Hmmmm I've forgotten the terms the doctor used on his cleft... besides cleft lip there is something else...where there is a small gap at his gum.  That is just a small issue, yet enough to make me nervous.  I am still very thankful of whatever his condition is....

Taking care of the twins alone by myself was a great challenge.... sangat2 menguji kesabaran... at a time, I just sat inside the toilet crying.  For no reason.  There are some good days and some bad days where they get very grumpy.  Or I was just too tired already that a little cry can annoys me big time.  Sometime I just wished I have a remote control that I can press STOP while they cries and press a laughing button instead.

Well of course...that was tooooo ambitious of me hehehe.....

Zarif will be going for his check up every 6 months with PPUM, both dental and plastic surgeon.  Which is good.  So that they can monitor his progress.  My aim for the future, to get both of them involve in any activities organized by CLAPAM.  YES...both of them together.  I do not one any of them feel left out or different unnecessarily.  They are brothers.... and we are family... family do things together.

Earlier, I was complaining about the crying right?  Today, I watched a talk show - Primadona at Astro, the issues about mothers.  One of their guest was this young mother.  Her baby, Ahmad Adam Syukri, suffer from Brain Damage HIE.... Ya Allah, besarnya dugaan dia.  One thing that she said in the show that really slap me on my face..... She is longing to hear Adam's voice or cry... Adam is 8 months old just the same age with my twins.  So, I should be very very grateful to see the progress of my babies and I pray for baby Adam, sihat lah sayang.....

Kita tak tahu apa ketentuannya... at the time when I feel God is testing me too much, I have to be positive about life and kept myself strong.

Till then, keep searching for the lights.... though it is far far away.