Sunday, 25 May 2014

Managing Twins.....

I often encounter people asking me “kembar yer? Dua-dua lelaki ke? Macam mana jaga?”  Yes, it is not easy.  Sorry ya, I don’t know how to lie to say the otherwise. 

The first week, I realized sleeping now fall into the category of luxury item.  I barely had my sleep.  They both cried at night.  The pain of the C-Section gone after the first day.  Gone as I just have to ignore it.

My confinement lady only managed to come for few days cos she herself terrrrpreggy (boleh???).  So yes basically I had to do everything by myself (and of course my parents were there to assist as much as they can).  But the main responsibility still on me.  My bertunku time is at nite…. Once my husband came back from work and the babies are asleep.  At this first month…. I tried to spell the word SLEEPING…. And I usually fall asleep after the letter E.

Here are some sharing…

Rule #1
There are no right or wrong. 

Rule #2
Act according to the situation.  We may face the situation (always I must say) where both of them cry at the same time.  For example, what if Twin 1 cry of wanting milk and Twin 2 may have his or her “lil small business”.  Prepare the milk and give it to the hungry one so that when you are cleaning the other, another will stay quiet.  And if you feel bad of keeping the Twin 2 crying – refer to Rule #1!

Rule #3
Sleeping pattern – train them to sleep about the same timing so that you can get your rest while they are asleep.  I did this when my mum went back to her house after my confinement and I left with no maid at home.  Babies are adaptable.  After a while, I managed to understand their pattern and put them to sleep at the same time.  I use the help of baby cradle a.k.a BUAI.  Some parents are afraid of using buai because they don’t want to carry the buai everywhere they go.  Yes if you have only one baby to attend at a time… your theory may work.. but when you have two…hahahahhaa… use whatever helps you can get.  And there are some mothers believe in some old saying buaian is not good for babies – refer to Rule #1.  Over the weekend, try to put them to sleep without using the cradle so that they can be used to any situation.  Remember – babies are adaptable.

Rule #4
Plan – it is important to plan your day.  You may be a full time housewife (serious tabik hormat!) or a working mum.  Since I was a full time housewife for 9 months I can tell this – plan your day!  For example, your babies sleep twice a day during daylight.  When you wake up put all the dirty clothes in the washing machine and let it run.  Then you can attend to the babies.  And when they have their morning nap say about 10am… go and hang your clothes and if you need some nap – Take it!!  If you don’t – you can start do some housework etc.   When the babies take their second nap, you can start cooking.  Whatever it is – don’t forget to steal some time to rest. 

Rule #5
Share responsibility -  How is baby formed? Apart of a dad (sperm) and mom (egg) come together they start forming.  You see the word DAD there?  Please don’t be too greedy to carry the SuperMum title with you alone.  You will always be a SuperMum regardless what.  Let your husband share the responsibility to take care of their own babies too.  If they don’t know – they will learn.  I bet you learned how to change diapers from someone or somewhere too right?  So why are you giving excuses for your husband?  They are the father of the child.  (This Rule #5 applicable to all parents out there – with or without twins)

Rule #6
Outsource – it is not easy to clean the house and manage the twins (especially at their early years) at the same time.  Outsource your cleaning service.  If you can afford you can do it weekly, otherwise once a month.  Trust me – it helps a lot!

Rule #7
FAQ – whenever you are in your stressful moment, talk to someone who may understand your situation.  Ask them whether this is normal or whatever question you may have in your mind.  Preferably someone with twins too! 

Rule #8
Managing Cost – Imagine everything is double including cost. 

Diapers - If you can afford expensive diapers e.g. Huggies or MamyPoko, by all mean – go ahead.  But if you can’t – please refer to this idioms “ukur baju dibadan sendiri”.  It is ok to use Drypers or PetPet or other brands.  Need not to use those dry pants all.  Yes, they run all over the house.  But then again, who are you kidding?  

Formulated Milk – Again…if you can afford S-26 or anything at that range – please go ahead.  If you can’t – There are always Nestle, Dumex etc.  Whichever that to the liking of your babies.

This applies to any other things including clothes, shoes etc.  There is no need to buy Mickey Mouse or expensive clothing for the children….. Who are you competing with?  What does your pocket says?  Tepuk dada Tanya Poket…. Not Selera cos selera is nafsu hahahahahaha

Rule #9
Baby Cot – Let them sleep at their own space.  Tak payahlah beli baby cot that cost you RM800.  Just buy the cheap play pen that you can put the mattress in it.  You know how tired you can be after handling the two and the short period of time that you get to rest especially at night when they wakes up every 3 hours or so.  Sleep and Rest comfortably.  Give them their space and have yours.  You don’t love them any less by putting them in their baby cot ok. 

Rule #10
Ignore Opinions that are not facts.  With all due respect, some opinions are just non-factual.  You will experience people asked you questions like “Eh kenapa you tak buat macam ni…”, “wouldn’t it be better if you do this…”, “I experienced the same….. though bukan kembar tapi setahun satu” etc etc…. take whatever you think can be useful to you and just ignore those that you thing is not applicable to you.

Well… this is only my sharing from my 2 years experience of roller coaster ride with my precious twins.  Yes I do get tired physically and emotionally MOST of the time especially when I need to think how to fit in every shoe…. Of course there are times when I just cry for no reason hahahahahaha… but then… life must goes on!  Thank you for reading and hope this sharing may help you in any ways. #love


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